
Friday, 27 September 2019

Market day

On Wednesday of 25th, we had market day. The market day was at school in the hall. The time was 1:45 to 2:45. There were 6 people in my group their name was Levi, Tuamelie, Joshua, Semesi, Noah, Pila. There were heaps of people came. My dad came and Johns aunty and nana came.

First miss called my group to come to the hall to set up. We made lollies laces it looked like a necklace with chocolate lollies we also made a chocolate bracelet.

Next, when it was 1:45pm we went to the hall. My dad brought my group chocolate necklace.we made a lot of money about $69.It was amazing. After that, we sold out then I went to buy things

Then Mr vega said pack so we packed up everything got the clean then we went to the class and we packed up the end

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Motat trip

On Wednesdays we went  to Motat it was a huge place  and we had to make sure that we stick together.My group was group was 2:1 and in my group was  Uma,Tuamelie,Yohhannes,Teari,Eli,Victory.we had a map and a timetable.

First we had 20 minute or ten minute to eat or go to the bathroom.
When we were finished we had to do the scavenger hunt all I wanted to do is go to the arcade game but where we went was the trampoline game it was fun i only had 2 turns cause there was game that you could make your own robot .

Next we went to the telephone house I was pretending to use the phone to call Wesley primary.Then we went to the train track house when Yohhannes press the green button a toy train was moving  on a  Train track.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Bike licence

Hi guys today was learning about bike safety  so I made a bike licence  it was fun.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Wesley primary Treaty

We were making a school treaty

Rugby rules

We were learning about rugby it was fun

Who are we

Maritime Musuem

On Thursday 12th March  room 6 7 and 5 went to Maritime Museum .

First we went on the bus and I sat next to Tu Tainan .All of us could not fit so the parents had to stand up.When we got there we lined up in our group.

Next we went in this building and had our meeting and after that we had our morning tea .Then we went and put our life jacket on and hopped on the boat. It was called Ted  Ashby . when we hopped on the man told us to pull the rope so we could sail .

After that we turned around and came back and then we hoped out and gave our life jacket to the group.Then  we went inside and side and watched a movie then we had our lunch.when the other group came back we had to do a activity so we got this card and tried to find what was on the map. I found two and then went into a house and there was the video game.

Suddenly we lost our map but we went and saw Sir Peter Blake red socks and his  trophy he won and we also saw his big boat.Then the time rained out so we went back and got our bag then we went back on the bus and came back to school.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Maritime rules

Today we were learning how to make our on sign rule for our trip at the maritime museum

Wednesday, 20 February 2019


HI my Name Is Tuamelie and my favorite ps4 game is fortnite because it a awesome game

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


I love doing my pepeha because it represent me and my culter